Serving in a Post-Roe World



The fall of Roe v. Wade has created a new landscape for centers like AWC.

It is our job—now more than ever—to ensure that financial constraints, lack of support, or fear are NOT the reasons women look to abortion. Choosing life when your world and future plans seem to be crumbling feels impossible, so it’s our job to lighten the burden and present a path forward that includes an empowered life for both mother and baby.

Stylized graphic of woman looking into a chasm between two mountains
Choosing life when your world and future plans seem to be crumbling feels impossible.

With the fall of Roe v Wade, attacks on pregnancy centers like ours are inevitable, and we’ve already seen increases in instances of graffiti, violent protesting, and property damage in centers all around the country. We’ve seen government officials trying to ban organizations like ours from appearing in Google search results, and our center, along with many others, have faced new barriers to posting online messaging.

In fact, over the last 24 hours, centers across the country including AWC were hit with dozens of fake Yelp reviews that accuse us of manipulative tactics and staffing unlicensed medical team members, among other things.

“Big Tech” has never been amenable to our cause, but now our ability to reach a woman in need is becoming even more difficult at the time when we may be needed most.

No matter how you personally feel about the outcome of the Dobbs case, now is the time to act! Join AWC in expanding help for those in need. You can help us provide access to emotional, financial, and educational support. Know that we never coerce or pressure a pregnant woman into continuing her pregnancy—that’s not what we’re about. We simply listen to her story, hear the obstacles that she believes she can’t overcome, and then show her the bridge to the other side.

Stylized graphic of a large person holding a heart helping the woman from the previous graphic across the chasm as the bridge.
We listen to her story and then show her the bridge to the other side.

As we all navigate the upcoming months (the Facebook posts we don’t agree with, the news headlines that stoke fear and anger, and the debates within our own circles of friends and families) remember, AWC will continue to provide tangible HELP and hope for anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy.  

All who walk through our purple doors are met with compassionate care and dedicated resources to make the best decisions for themselves and their families.  

Now is the time for you to help ensure our services continue to reach those in need. Help us build a community where families are strong and life is cherished! 

How You Can Take Action Now


Activate your Church

  • Hold a Baby Bottle Blessings campaign
  • Host a baby shower
  • Join (or start) the Sanctity of Life ministry at your church
  • Join (or start) an outreach for new and/or single moms (child care, transportation, etc.)

Join Us for an Event


  • Short term and long term positions are available for groups and individuals.
    Learn more

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AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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