
“Miranda” suspected she was pregnant. The awareness that her life and path could soon change was overwhelming. Not knowing what to do, she picked up her phone and Googled for help. An ad popped up that looked promising, so she filled in a digital form and soon connected with a nurse scheduler at A Woman’s Concern.

Miranda was treated with kindness and so she decided to schedule a pregnancy confirmation appointment at AWC knowing that she would receive a professional grade pregnancy test, as well as a limited ultrasound to confirm viability, gestational age, and location of her pregnancy. 

Miranda’s ultrasound revealed that the pregnancy was viable. While at our center, she and her boyfriend also received information about their options. Undecided about what to do next, they thanked our team and headed on their way.

It is routine for AWC’s Client Services Director, Terri, to follow-up and offer support to all our patients after their appointments at our center. So, Terri called, and Miranda answered. She expressed her gratefulness for all the information she received at her confirmation of pregnancy appointment. However, unfortunately, Miranda then shared that she had already obtained and taken abortion pills. Even so, she was so glad Terri had called because she was still experiencing pregnancy symptoms and did not know what to do. Terri recommended she reach out to the clinic that gave her the pills and request a follow up appointment. Miranda said she had already done that and was just told to take another pregnancy test 5 weeks after having taken the pills. 

There was only a 3% chance that the abortion pills she took had not worked as intended.

Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania a woman can chemically abort her pregnancy at home with minimal, if any, medical oversight. Originally, when the abortion pill first became available in 2000, a woman needed to visit her doctor to confirm the pregnancy, confirm the location of pregnancy, and confirm the gestational age with a pregnancy test and an ultrasound. However, often all that is needed now is a quick telehealth call with a doctor before a woman can access the medication necessary to self-manage her abortion at home. And as Miranda discovered, follow-up care may not be readily available.

Today, in our post-Roe nation, legislators have the responsibility of ensuring quality women’s health care. The lack of safety regulations regarding chemical abortions, which now make up over 50% of all abortions in America, is concerning. Women deserve true healthcare and support when things don’t go as planned. Pregnancy centers such as AWC exist to provide that support.

So…Terri offered Miranda the opportunity to make a follow-up pregnancy test appointment with AWC. Statistically speaking, there is only about a 3% chance that abortion pills will not work as expected, but against all odds, Miranda found herself in that 3%. Here she was, scared and confused, 6 weeks after taking both abortion pills, and still pregnant.

Now 15 weeks into her pregnancy, it was Miranda’s connection to AWC that helped to set the stage for an amazing miracle to unfold. While looking at that second positive pregnancy test, Miranda took a moment to think…maybe this baby is supposed to be. After all, for this child to still be alive was something of a miracle!

AWC immediately referred Miranda to a Lancaster-based OBGYN with experience in treating patients who have taken abortion pills. This doctor’s office wasted no time in booking Miranda for an OB ultrasound, during which a heartbeat was detected and a pregnancy that continued to be viable was confirmed.

Miranda is now taking things one day at a time, but she has continued to follow-up with the same doctor to whom she was referred by AWC. She has also scheduled a navigation appointment at our center. AWC plans to help her on her journey and watch as this amazing miracle continues to unfold. We ask that you join us in praying for Miranda, for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby!

In the News

Stay Informed

  • The US Supreme Court has taken a case regarding the availability of mifepristone, a key component in the abortion pill regimen.
  • The PA Supreme Court continues the abortion industry push for taxpayer funding for abortion in Allegheny Reproductive Health Center v. PA Department Health Services. This case puts all the current PA Abortion Control Act protections at risk.
  • Some PA State Legislators are striving very hard to make it difficult for pregnancy centers to exist by removing funding for alternatives to abortion, encouraging complaints against pregnancy centers and writing laws that reduce important safeguards involving women’s health and abortion. Our allies need help – please thank our local legislators that are standing up for pregnancy centers.
  • Elections have consequences. Lawmakers are currently striving to enshrine abortion rights in locations all across the country.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for continuing to speak truth into the lives of those who are in such crisis. I pray that Miranda’s baby will be healthy and that she sees God’s hand in this miracle.
    (And thank you to the entire staff for holding the line despite the political odds stacked against you. God bless you all!

AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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