Can’t Give?

If you aren't able to make a donation right now...

There are still lots of important ways that you can get involved with the work we’re doing here at A Woman’s Concern, furthering the cause of Life, and helping to build strong families in our community.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Tell people you know about how A Woman’s Concern is building a community where families are strong and Life is cherished.
    • Forward our email newsletter to a friend.
    • Click “Like” on a Facebook post.
    • Follow us on Instagram and hit the ❤ on our posts.
  • Share our printed newsletters, events, and giving campaigns to our group of friends and family.
  • Host a virtual baby shower to stock our boutique.
  • Add A Woman’s Concern to your Will (and then let us know you did so!).
  • Donate your time as a volunteer. We are always looking for volunteers who can commit to be part of our team regularly. Could that be you? (You can even ask to be added to our “Quick List” of supporters who get the first call when we have a specific, urgent need.)
  • Pray for our clients and their families, our team members, and our volunteers.
We are so grateful for your support in every way!

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