We can't thank you if we don't know...
Are you our Secret Admirer?
Have you made a gift to A Woman’s Concern in your will or estate plan? If so, please tell us about it. We can shout it from the rooftops—or keep it quiet if you wish to remain anonymous.
Either way, knowing about your plans allows us to express our gratitude and prepare for a strong future.
Are you thinking about making a gift from your estate to A Woman’s Concern but don’t know how to start or what kind of gift might be best for you to give? Feel free to give us a call or click here to learn about the following options:
- Giving life insurance you no longer need
- Making a gift from your will or trust
- Donating appreciated stock (and saving on taxes!)
For 50 years, A Woman’s Concern has been working within our community to build strong families that cherish life. Your support and legacy gifts will allow us to continue to diminish abortion’s impact on our society and to maintain our Pro-Life witness for many years to come!