What does the Supreme Court leak mean for AWC?



WOW. A lot to talk about.

As you have likely heard by now, earlier this week, a draft of the Supreme Court’s majority decision on the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health case (which has now been verified as authentic by the Court) took the entire nation by surprise when it was leaked online. It’s important to remember that the leaked document, which indicates that the Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade, was a draft—the Court has not yet made its final decision on the case.

That said, with so much information in the news cycle about the leak, Roe v. Wade, and the so-called “fragility” of abortion (which is not the case), we wanted to share how all of this could change how we operate.

Are you ready?

It changes… nothing

Abortion would still be legal in Pennsylvania.

Women would still find themselves faced with unplanned pregnancy.

And mothers and families in our community would still need the support they find when they walk through our purple doors. 

Over the past 50 years of service here in Lancaster, AWC has worked hard to build a strong foundation focusing on supporting mothers and families vulnerable to abortion. That foundation now supports our new initiatives and enhanced programs. The current political climate does not make any of these services any less needed. Our Empowered Youth, Courageous Dads, and Strong Families programs all enable us to holistically build a culture for LIFE.  

Want to know more about these new programs, so you can share our passion for building a community where families are strong and Life is cherished?

Take a peek at what we do every day here at A Woman’s Concern by watching our BRAND NEW videos that we premiered at our 50th Anniversary Event:

You Can Make a Difference

We are so grateful that you’re here and that you care! There are SO MANY ways to join us in our mission to build a community where families are strong and Life is cherished.

AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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