

Pamela F. Groft

Vice President, AWC Board of Directors
Certified Financial Advisor

My husband Terry and I have been faithfully supporting A Woman’s Concern’s vital work for women and families in the Lancaster community since 2008.

These days, I serve as the Vice President of the Board of Directors, where I’ve been a member since 2017.

In my working career, however, I was a Certified Financial Planner for 30 years, so you can guess that I’m always looking ahead to the future. With AWC’s 50 anniversary this year, we’ve focused a lot on the past five decades of AWC’s life-saving work in our community, but what about the long-term future of AWC’s ministry? What about the next 50 years?

We know you share our passion for the heartfelt compassionate work that goes on behind those purple doors, and many of you provide ongoing support to keep the doors open and welcoming to new patients and clients.

Would you consider taking your commitment one step further with a legacy gift?

Open Door Legacy SocietyBeyond your usual support, I encourage you to consider joining the Open Door Legacy Society at AWC. We launched this legacy society in 2020 with an eye toward building a sustainable future for A Women’s Concern.

To become a member, you simply designate in your Will or Estate Plan that a bequest should be directed to AWC—one last gift that is sent to this mission you love!

It’s Easy!

  • Call your attorney to add a simple “additional instruction or codicil” (no need to re-write your will).
  • Bequest options may include giving a percentage, a specific amount, or a particular stock. Your attorney or financial advisor can help you select what makes the most sense for you.
  • And that’s it!

Once you’ve made this addition, please let AWC know that you’ve included the center in your will or estate plan, and we’ll make sure that your name is included as a member of our Open Door Legacy Society (unless, of course, you’d rather remain anonymous).

To show our gratitude, Society members will receive premier seating at AWC events (when available), recognition in our annual report, an exclusive thank you gift, and more!

You can be part of inspiring future generations to continue the work that A Women’s Concern has been doing in our community for the past fifty years.

Already included AWC in your Will or Estate Plan? Please let us know!

AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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