

Americans are anything but united on the abortion debate and haven’t been for the last 50 years. Yet, we should be united in supporting programs that allow people to access the full range of reproductive options — including support for those who choose to continue their pregnancies. The Shapiro Administration states that it continues to unequivocally support a woman’s right to choose, but recently canceled a contract with Real Alternatives which provides funding to agencies that support alternatives to abortion, such as maternity homes, pregnancy centers, and adoption agencies. Abortion access is a central issue for the Shapiro administration, and this announcement comes as no surprise. Nonetheless, it represents an attack on pregnancy help services and the dozens of pregnancy centers and other agencies that offer vital support to thousands of women in Pennsylvania every year.

The right to choose has changed.

The choice to continue a pregnancy and access the resources that make that choice possible are being drastically hindered with the cancelation of this contract. Many false claims made about pregnancy centers have fueled an unmerited call for defunding and ultimate closure of these centers. This attack on valuable community resources should alarm the local communities benefiting from the array of services provided by centers like ours.

The current framework for support defined by the governor’s administration will inevitably harm the women and families within our local communities.

Planned Parenthood, abortion clinics, and even doctors’ offices do not replace the services provided by such centers. They do not provide programs offering diapers or baby supplies to new moms in need. They do not offer parenting classes or fatherhood programs to new families struggling to adjust.  

The curriculum at AWC addresses a myriad of topics, which enables us to play a large part in helping to break cycles of dysfunctional families, absentee parents, abuse and neglect, lack of discipline, lack of nutrition, and other issues facing low-income and struggling families. Through the classes and programs at AWC, single parents and families receive consistent support, education that promotes healthy pregnancies, and resources to encourage successful parenting and produce thriving families. 

Removing state funding for programs such as this which are supported by Real Alternatives is a disservice to women and families across the state of PA.

Fight Back

We are so grateful that you’re here and that you care about what’s happening in Pennsylvania! There are SO MANY ways to join us in our mission to build a community where families are strong and Life is cherished.

AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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