

When Plans Change


They arrived together at A Woman’s Concern even though they were considering aborting her pregnancy. After all, they just graduated from high school. He had his sights set on a scholarship to play college football. She was discovering foundational plans for her future. However, all their plans changed when they assumed she was pregnant.

Brooke met with one of AWC’s RN’s and took a medical grade pregnancy test. It was positive. This Confirmation of Pregnancy appointment is how most women begin their experience at AWC. Brooke wasn’t alone because Roman made an effort to join her at this appointment, which is always welcome but not always the reality for women who make an initial appointment with AWC.  When men decide to be involved from the beginning, with practical and emotional support, women are more likely to continue their pregnancies.


While at their appointment for an OB Ultrasound at AWC, Roman met with Mike Yowler, the Client/Patient Advocate for Men. Mike listened while Roman shared his biggest concern: how will he play football on a college scholarship while being a dad and a supportive partner to his girlfriend? Mike let Roman know there is plenty of time to make his dreams a reality and being here for her, during this time, is the best possible choice he could make. 

The OB ultrasound with AWC’s Certified Sonographer was a game changer for this young couple. They saw a life that shares their DNA. Additionally, the ultrasound showed Brooke that her pregnancy was viable, not ectopic, and gave a gestational time stamp.

A lot changes in a couple’s hearts when they discover they are pregnant, but when that couple sees a life in the beginning stages of development, they often change again.  The ultrasound enables a couple to see their own shared image as a developing human. And it’s really hard to turn away from that new beginning.


It was in that appointment at AWC when Roman and Brooke changed their minds from abortion to parenting. They weren’t alone in this new journey. Mike was championing Roman’s decision to father. Brooke’s Advocate at AWC, Paula, met with her every other week in the months leading up to the baby’s birth. “I could see their relationship getting more supportive and stronger over the months that we met,” said Paula.

Together, Brooke and Roman attended Couples Classes at AWC. The courses aim to provide support and resources for couples as they navigate the challenges and changes that come with pregnancy and parenting. During Brooke and Roman’s Couples Classes they learned about their individual personality styles, love languages, and how to take care of each other. Advocate Paula said the classes provided information to enable the couple to gain confidence about what to expect through the pregnancy, delivery, and parenting. In addition, Roman was surrounded by support from other guys in the Courageous Dads Program at AWC. All of this community might have been the reason Roman was overly excited when they had a meeting with Advocate Paula, here at AWC, just before their baby was born.

On November 11, 2023, they held their newborn baby girl in their arms for the first time! And began their new chapter as parents.

Today, they will focus on raising their daughter, while Roman attends college with a football scholarship. Brooke is living with her Mom, who is a foundational supporter of their decision to parent. Brooke’s desire is to move closer to Roman while he is committed to living a couple hours away from their hometown during his college years. Together, they are continuing to attend AWC’s Parenting Classes during the first year of their daughter’s life and have already earned enough points to receive a new stroller and car seat.

The journey from being abortion-minded to parent focused is for the brave ones. No one has their future completely figured out and plans change all the time. But to be young and have an unplanned pregnancy enter your storyline will test even the most courageous. However, no one needs to journey that road alone, and because Roman and Brooke chose AWC, they received practical, emotional, and knowledgeable support from our team to help them on their journey into parenting.

(Brooke and Roman are pseudonyms to protect the privacy of the couple.)

4 Responses

  1. Truly amazing what AWC does, you are the whole package with God as the wrapping. Thank you , Bob Poling

  2. What a story of hope! May this young couple
    Find wisdom and grace as they parent this precious baby girl. Thanks for all the work you all are doing to build strong families!

AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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