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We all grapple at some point with the pressure associated with managing situations that are not in our favor. Difficult circumstances often direct our paths, but adversity can also set the stage for amazing miracles.
As we close out 2023 and look to 2024, that seems to be the motto for AWC.

As many of you know, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services announced this past August that it was cancelling its contract with Real Alternatives, a decision that blatantly put politics ahead of those who receive life-affirming care from centers like ours who were funded in part through Real Alternatives. The lost revenue to AWC for 2024 will be about $170,000.

Then in November, Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry launched a website specifically targeting pregnancy resource centers and soliciting anonymous complaints against them. Unfortunately, pregnancy centers in PA have no way to defend themselves against these unsubstantiated attacks.

To address issues like these, AWC joined with other pregnancy centers across the state to create the PPWC to have a united voice and address legislative challenges. 

With these ongoing political fights, in addition to the constant propaganda emerging from the abortion industry and the attempts to reduce medical oversight of abortion, it undoubtedly feels like we are fighting an uphill battle, particularly when it comes to reaching women who could benefit from AWC’s services. Pregnancy centers are facing a landscape in which over half of all abortions are now performed via the abortion pill (54% in America), many via telehealth or with mail order abortion pills where a woman never even needs to leave her home to visit a medical office.

Yet all of this undoubtedly sets the stage for God to work amazing miracles through AWC. 

The resources, information, and compassionate outreach that A Woman’s Concern provides is invaluable to individuals navigating these challenging circumstances. Your commitment to promoting alternatives to abortion and creating a society that values and protects every human life is a bridge of hope for those we serve.

In the past year, your generosity has allowed AWC to offer extended medical evening hours, to launch our Abortion Pill Reversal video blog, to grow our Courageous Dads program, and to add 24/7 access to nurses via live chat, all while serving over 670 unique clients. 

Building on a successful pilot program in partnership with HopeSync, we recently added an option on our website and on our Google ad landing pages to live chat with a certified nurse. Now, women searching for information on pregnancy options in today’s chaotic and confusing environment can chat with a live nurse who can answer their questions and connect them to AWC’s services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from the privacy of their own homes.

None of this would be possible without you.

As we continue to unite in our commitment to the sanctity of life, let us use this year to celebrate the hard work of those families whom AWC has the privilege to serve as they overcome seemingly impossible odds. Their journeys are a powerful reminder that every single life can set the stage for God to work amazing miracles.

AWC is a pregnancy and parenting resource center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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