Our prayer is that your congregation or organization will become informed about the sanctity of life and feel they are making an impact on the lives of the people we serve thanks to their generosity. A Woman’s Concern is deeply blessed by the support of the local churches and one thing is for sure, your help with this campaign makes an enormous impact!
1. Schedule Your Event
Select a kick-off date and a fundraising goal for your event, and make sure to get approval from the church or organizational leadership. Download our Campaign Host Guide for instructions and ideas.
2. Register Your Event
Submit your official registration here so we know your event is happening and can make sure we have enough bottle banks available.
3. Promote Your Event & Distribute Bottles
We’ll work with you to get the correct number of baby bottle banks. Then distribute the bottles on campaign kick-off day! Promotional materials like posters, bulletin announcements, social media posts, and more are available for download below.
4. Fill Bottles
Supporters may fill the bottles with cash and coins, personal checks, or give online.
5. Collect & Return
At the end of the campaign, return all filled—and empty!— bottles to AWC for our next campaign.

Register Your Event
Promotional Resources
Download & Print
Sample Bulletin/ Email/Newsletter Announcements
Week 1
A Woman’s Concern is counting on YOU! Fill a bottle—change a life! The Baby Bottle Blessings campaign for A Woman’s Concern helps women facing unplanned pregnancy to find the hope and support they need
to welcome their babies into the world.
It’s easy to participate! Just
pick up a bottle today [where], and fill it with coins, cash, or a check over the coming weeks. Bring it back to the church on [date], and know that your giving is making a positive difference for the women and children of our community.
You can also fill a virtual bottle at
Week 2
Did you know that when you give to A Woman’s Concern Baby Bottle Campaign you’re helping relieve financial and emotional pressures for women facing unplanned pregnancy?
Every year, more women are turning to A Woman’s Concern for free pregnancy testing, guidance, ultrasounds and more. Your giving makes it possible for our center to meet these growing needs. If you didn’t get your bottle last week, you can still participate–just pick one up today and fill it with coins, cash, or a check between now and [date]. Fill a virtual bottle at FriendsofAWC.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/.
A Woman’s Concern is counting on YOU!
Week 3
Don’t forget your bottle next week! The Baby Bottle Blessings campaign ends next Sunday, and we’ll be collecting the bottles to give them back to A Woman’s Concern.
If you’re filling a baby bottle, please bring it to church with you next week, or fill a virtual bottle at FriendsofAWC.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/.
Your giving will make a tremendous difference for the women and families that walk through A Woman’s Concern’s purple doors.
Week 4
Did you bring your bottle back? The Baby Bottle Blessings campaign ends today, and we’re collecting the bottles to give them back to A Woman’s Concern so that your change can start changing lives! Please turn your bottle in [where]. If you forgot to bring it this Sunday, you can return it next Sunday or drop it off at the office anytime they’re open.
You can also fill a virtual bottle at FriendsofAWC.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/.
A Woman’s Concern is counting on your support!
Week 5
Still have your bottle from the Baby Bottle Blessings campaign for A Woman’s Concern? It’s not too late to drop off your bottles!
Your support is truly changing lives through their ministry. Just bring your bottle to the church or drop it off at A Woman’s Concern. If you haven’t had a chance to fill your bottle, please return it anyway so other churches can use it!
You can also fill a virtual bottle at FriendsofAWC.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/.
Thank You
A Woman’s Concern wishes to thank all of you who participated in our “Baby Bottle Blessings” campaign. Your generosity is humbling and encouraging to us as we continue to provide pregnancy and parenting resources to those in need in our community.
All contributions received are being used by A Woman’s Concern to further our mission of Building a Community where Families are Strong and Life is Cherished! For more information, visit us at PregnancyLancaster.com and FriendsofAWC.com.
Social Media Graphics
Social Media Sample Text
@WomansConcern is counting on YOU! The Baby Bottle Blessings campaign helps women facing unplanned pregnancy to find hope. Just pick up a bottle [where], fill with coins/cash/check, & return on [date], or fill a virtual bottle at https://www.friendsofawc.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/. #awcbabybottleblessings @AWCFriends
Giving to the Baby Bottle Blessings campaign for @WomansConcern gives moms support services that can last through their baby’s 1st birthday—an average of 21 months! Help AWC change lives, and keep filling up those bottles! Fill a virtual bottle at https://www.friendsofawc.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/. #awcbabybottleblessings @AWCFriends
Don’t forget to return your bottle next week! The Baby Bottle Blessings campaign ends NEXT SUNDAY, & we’ll be collecting filled bottles to return to @WomansConcern. And remember, you can also fill a virtual bottle at https://www.friendsofawc.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/! Your gifts make a difference for the women & families that walk through AWC’s purple doors. #awcbabybottleblessings @AWCFriends
The Baby Bottle Blessings campaign ends TODAY! Please bring your filled bottle to church with you and return it [where], or fill a virtual bottle at https://www.friendsofawc.com/support/virtual-baby-bottle/. @WomansConcern is counting on your support! #awcbabybottleblessings @AWCFriends