Your estate gift to AWC supports Life,
even after you are gone!

If you’ve included the center in your will or estate plan, and we’ll make sure that your name is included as a member of our Open Door Legacy Society (unless, of course, you’d rather remain anonymous).
- Add AWC to your will or living trust
- Name us on your annuity, insurance, retirement plan, or other account
- Or something else!
To show our gratitude, Society members will receive premier seating at AWC events (when available), recognition in our annual report, an exclusive thank you gift, and more!
The following is intended to help you and your attorney in drafting a bequest that satisfies your individual interests.
As you consult your attorney on the selection of appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding A Woman’s Concern, be sure the organization’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as:
“A Woman’s Concern, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 23-1978059.”
“I give to A Woman’s Concern, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 23-1978059, [insert here a description of the particular property] for general purposes.”
“If [name/s of primary beneficiary/ies] do/es not survive me, or shall die within ninety (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to A Woman’s Concern, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 23-1978059, [insert here the exact dollar amount, description of property, or percentage of residual estate] for general purposes.”